
Saskia Bonger


Why 75 students in a lecture hall?   Why are only 75 students allowed in a lecture hall, regardless of the size of the room? In the corona debate on Tuesday 16 November in the Dutch parliament, there was only a brief mention of higher education when outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte explained the decision…

Gift for Delft residents Terug naar de Nederlandse versie   A few insulation strips, LED lamps or a water-saving shower head can already help make a house more sustainable and thus lower the energy bill. To help homeowners and tenants with this, the municipality of Delft is providing 55 euro gift…

Studium Generale cancels party   Studium Generale has cancelled the party to celebrate its 75th anniversary on 18 November. With the stricter measures that recently came into force in public buildings – the compulsory wearing of a face mask and the advice to keep one and a half metres distance -…

  These students want to save the coral reef (and you can help)   Four Delft students from the TPM-minor international entrepreneurship and development have started a crowdfunding to restore 500 square metres of dead or damaged coral reef near the Indonesian island of Lombok. Alexandru, Joppe, Tadé and Xavier need 5000 euros to buy…

OMT wanted QR code in higher education     The experts of the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) advised the Dutch government to make corona access cards compulsory in mbo and higher education. There were also reservations, because this would mean that some students would have to ‘get tested every day in order to participate in…

Delta is looking for a data analyst   Do you have experience in drawing up surveys, do you know how to ask questions in such a way that you get unambiguous, representative answers, and can you subsequently elaborate and interpret the data provided? Then we have a job for you! For an investigative journalism production,…

Delft Outlook is out   Delft scientists regularly draw inspiration from nature. In the October issue of Delft Outlook, you can read about drones inspired by insects, a scarf made from algae, a medical instrument modelled on the octopus, a building panel resembling a sponge and an aircraft wing that moves like a bird. “Inspiration…

    Face masks mandatory again at Flemish universities    Face masks are again mandatory at the universities of Antwerp and Ghent. They decided to do so last week because the number of corona infections is increasing. They want to emphasize to politicians and society that the virus must be fought. In Flanders it is…

  Hundreds of international students contact housing hotline     Hundreds of international students have contacted the housing hotline of the Landelijke Studentenvakbond (the Dutch ‘National Union of Students’). The hotline has been contacted 658 times in the past year and a half, the union reports in a brief report.     The most common…