
Saskia Bonger


More students living in student housing     Last year, for the first time since 2016, more university students went to live in student rooms. In 2020, almost 26 thousand students entered the student housing market, whereas in the three preceding years the number was around 22 thousand.   This is shown in research (in…

Additional teaching rooms in tents     On Thursday 27 August, the last equipment was installed in two tents on the site of Lijm & Cultuur, located on the Rotterdamseweg. The tents will be available for TU Delft education from the start of the academic year.   Read more under the photo.   (Photo: Jos…

500 orphaned bicycles removed   Are you back from holiday and you can’t find your bike where you left it on TU Delft campus? It might be stalled in the depot opposite Education and Student Affairs on the Mekelweg. In the week of 23 August, the TU Delft Park Management Department is storing…

Studenten met een zwakke gezondheid moeten ook komend jaar online hun onderwijs kunnen volgen, vindt een meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer. Demissionair minister Van Engelshoven verzette zich deze week niet tegen een unanieme motie daarvoor, maar maakte wel een voorbehoud (“We doen wat kan”) en dat accepteerde de Kamer. 75 studenten Een van…

Compensation for students on scholarship PhD students with a scholarship, just like PhD students who are employed by TU Delft, can receive compensation for delays caused by corona. The Graduate School has informed them of this in a newsletter. Executive Board member Rob Mudde told the Works Council on 17 June that it…