Studenten kunnen straks certificaten krijgen als ze naast hun opleiding vrijwilligerswerk hebben gedaan, bijvoorbeeld bij een studentenvereniging. Dat heeft minister Van Engelshoven aan de Tweede Kamer bevestigd. Het ministerie praat met studenten, onderwijsinstellingen en ict-organisatie SURF over de mogelijkheden. Misschien kunnen hogescholen en universiteiten wat vaker met digitale Edubadges gaan werken, is een…
The TU Delft student band On y va has brought out a corona song. They hope to close a heavy period with their song ‘Zo’ndag’. “It is a kind of processing of what’s happened.”
Delta seeks student photographer Do you have experience as a photographer, do you own a good camera and do you want to improve your skills in journalistic photography? Then come be a photographer for Delta, the news website of the TU Delft! This photo was taken by student Dalia Madia, who has…
Students have jumped the vaccination queue Dozens of young people who were nowhere near their turn for a corona vaccination have jumped the queue, confirms the Municipal Health Service. They pretended to have a medical indication and that was not checked. According to the Dutch newspaper Volkskrant, this happened at…
Minister: ‘position ombudsman well regulated’ How independent will the new ombudspersons be who universities are required to have as of July? Six parties in the Dutch House of Representatives submitted questions about this in February. Education Minister Van Engelshoven does not foresee any problems, she writes in her answer this week. After…
Checklist for handling research data Are you going to share scientific data? If so, with whom and in what form? A checklist produced by the Dutch scientific society KNAW helps researchers to draw up a data plan. The list consists of main questions with follow-up questions, for example: what data will the…
Hunt for students and academics in Belarus Belarusian students who protest against President Lukashenko’s regime are being turned away from their studies, persecuted or imprisoned. That is what human rights organization Amnesty International is warning about. Figures from the independent Belarusian Students’ Association show that at least 480 students have already been arrested this…
Investigation into fire in student flat How could a fire start in a student flat in Den Bosch in the night of Sunday to Monday, in the apartment on the second floor of a student who was not at home? An investigation into this has been started. The building with sixty apartments was…
University fund awards grant Former industrial design student Cora Man has been awarded the Marina van Damme grant of 9000 euros. This grant is awarded annually by the Delft University Fund to a young female engineer to enhance her development. The jury praised Cora Man for the ‘challenging career switch’ she has…
Hoe maak je van de universiteit een echte gemeenschap in een gedigitaliseerde wereld? Die vraag staat woensdagmiddag 19 mei centraal tijdens het eerste evenement van de serie The Digital Campus van Studium Generale. Een student, een docent, een filosoof en een beleidsadviseur delen hun ervaringen met online onderwijs. Ook bespreken ze vragen als ‘hoe kunnen…