The Works Council wants to do away with anonymous questionnaires in which students evaluate teachers. They do not meet requirements and are hurtful. What do students think?
How can you as a researcher communicate responsibly and effectively about science in a way that connects to society? A team of Wageningen University researchers is aiming to develop recommendations and strategies for doing this offline and online. To do so, they first need to assess current practices, motivations, incentives and responsibilities in the public communication…
How can you as a researcher communicate responsibly and effectively about science in a way that connects to society? A team of Wageningen University researchers is aiming to develop recommendations and strategies for doing this offline and online. To do so, they first need to assess current practices, motivations, incentives and responsibilities in the public communication…
TU/e: priority for women again As of May 1, TU Eindhoven will resume its policy of employing more female scientists, but with different ground rules than before. Antidiscrimination agency Radar received dozens of complaints about the policy of the TU/e in 2019 and went to the Human Rights Board (College voor de Rechten van de…
Academic collaboration with China is under debate now that the country is clearly using research for its army. Is this happening at TU Delft? We went in search of answers.
D66 is in Delft de grootste partij bij de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen, net als in 2017. De VVD is de tweede en GroenLinks de derde partij. Dat blijkt uit de voorlopige verkiezingsuitslag die de gemeente op 18 maart heeft gepubliceerd. Waar D66 ditmaal wat is gegroeid, krimpen VVD en GroenLinks. Opvallend is dat nieuwkomer Volt 7…
Did T-Mobile data of TU Delft employees also go to Statistics Netherlands? Statistics Netherlands (CBS) may have had unlawful access to the location data of T-Mobile customers. 2500 TU employees have a work mobile with a T-Mobile contract. Should they be concerned? Currently, that is not clear. The Dutch newspaper NRC revealed…
12 and 13 March: Open Days Whereas last year’s March Open Days took place on campus just before the lockdown, they are now being held fully online. On 12 and 13 March, all Bachelor’s programmes will organise live streams for students who are thinking about coming to TU Delft. They can then ask questions to…
The EEMCS Faculty hopes to start using the first eight floors of the high-rise in September. What will happen in the meantime?
Integrity investigation into majorana publication comes later It is not yet known when the integrity investigation into the making of the Nature article Quantized Majorana Conductance will be completed. Earlier, TU Delft announced that the investigation would be ready early this week. Now that that deadline has not been met, TU Delft is not giving…