The TU Delft ombudsman pilot for staff is drawing to a close. How does ombudsman Job van Luyken look back at the last two years?
De Delftse studentenvakbond VSSD en studentenraadsfractie Lijst Bèta organiseren samen een online debat in aanloop naar de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen. Het debat op donderdagavond 25 februari zal gaan over thema’s die studenten direct raken: het leenstelsel, huisvesting van studenten en starters en de financiering van het hoger onderwijs. Aan het woord komen kandidaat-Kamerleden van VVD, CDA,…
For safety reasons, all activities in the EEMCS high-rise have ceased on Thursday 18 February for at least three months. The reason is fire safety.
What does TU Delft do if its researchers come under fire on social media for doing their work? “Open support is welcome.”
Do you need help? There is! The TU Delft Executive Board is concerned about students’ welfare. In an e-mail to all students, sent on Wednesday evening 17 February, rector Tim van der Hagen and vice rector Rob Mudde urge students to take good care of themselves and each other. They also emphasize that they are there…
Project March, Eco-Runner, Hyperloop and Solar Boat are the first Dream Teams to return to the Dream Hall next academic year. TU Delft believes in their innovative capacity.
De sociëteit van Virgiel is dit jaar voor het eerst een stembuslocatie tijdens de verkiezingen voor de Tweede Kamer. De studentenvereniging twittert trots dat vele leden zich hebben aangemeld als stembureaulid. De gemeente Delft bevestigt dat, maar laat nog in het midden of het stembureau volledig door Virgilianen zal worden bemenst. Op de TU-campus zal…
TU Delft has plans to run pilots to allow more physical education. Whether they can start depends on the Ministry of Education.
Fire in student flat Duwo A fire broke out in a student flat in Amstelveen on Saturday evening. Five residents were injured and several dozen had to leave their homes. Most students were able to return home later that night, but the smoke and water damage to some rooms was too great. A crowdfunding…