Executive Board member Nicoly Vermeulen has announced her resignation. According to her, 1 January 2021 is ‘a natural moment’ to step down.
As a PhD candidate, how can you best explain your research to a wide audience? Alexandra Sips shares tips and tricks in a new course.
Who wants to stand for election to the Works Council and its Personnel Committees? This question is becoming more urgent now that the nomination deadline is approaching.
Door het leenstelsel stijgt de totale studieschuld in Nederland uiteindelijk naar zo’n 33 miljard euro. Wie bij DUO leent, staat na de studie gemiddeld 25 duizend euro in het rood. In eerdere informatie over de studieschulden noemde de minister het verwachte totaalbedrag niet, maar op aandringen van CDA en ChristenUnie (coalitiepartijen, maar ook tegenstanders van…
In zes regio’s in het westen van het land moeten cafés straks om 01.00 uur de deuren sluiten. Dat bevestigen Haagse bronnen aan diverse nieuwsmedia. Het kabinet maakt de nieuwe maatregel vanavond bekend. Het coronavirus grijpt weer om zich heen in Nederland. Vooral onder jonge mensen neemt het aantal besmettingen toe, zien het RIVM en…
Speechlessness and defeat among the Delft students who spent weeks building the longest beer crate bridge in the world. They saw it collapse last night.
Dutch universities estimate that between 20 and 40 percent of their classes are currently taught on campus. Students have started petitions demanding discounted tuition fees.
Number of students with corona on the rise in more cities The number of corona infections is rising not only in Delft. Following earlier cases in Maastricht, Tilburg and Wageningen, this is now the case in Groningen and Nijmegen. According to the Municipal Health Service (GGD), colleges and universities are not to blame there either.…
PhD students at Dutch universities are working long hours. That sometimes leads to psychological problems. Something needs to be done about the workload, says the PhD network.
Students protest at DUO building Students will protest in front of the main office of DUO in Groningen, at the start of the new academic year next Monday 31 August. They will cut a ribbon and rename DUO the ‘Ministry of Debt’. The protest is an idea of the National Student Union (LSVb) and…