‘Declarations by board members in order’ The Dutch Education Inspectorate (Onderwijsinspectie) is satisfied with the reimbursement of expenses for administrators of universities and colleges of higher education. In a random check at fifteen institutions, the inspectors did not find anything unusual. This has sometimes been different. In the media, stories regularly surfaced about sky-high expense…
De Onderwijsinspectie is tevreden over de onkostenvergoeding voor bestuurders van universiteiten en hogescholen. In een steekproef bij vijftien instellingen hebben de inspecteurs geen gekke dingen aangetroffen. Dat is weleens anders geweest. In de media doken met regelmaat verhalen op over torenhoge declaraties, bijvoorbeeld van reiskosten en een peperdure bureaustoel. De vorige minister van Onderwijs dreigde…
OWee terrace construction started The organization started with the construction of the OWee terrace and the kiss+ride on the parking lot next to the TU Delft Library. In other years, the site was used for the opening party and the cantus sing along, this year these activities will not take place due…
Delft: ‘Don’t have house parties’ The mayor of Delft, Marja van Bijsterveldt, strongly advises students against organizing house parties with prospective students from all over the Netherlands and abroad. After all, infections with the coronavirus now mainly take place among younger people, in cafes and at parties. She writes this in a letter to…
De Sint Sebastiaansbrug is er inmiddels voor vervangen, maar tramlijn 19 kan voorlopig niet naar de TU-campus gaan rijden. Het tracé zal zelfs niet eerder dan het vierde kwartaal van 2022 klaar zijn. Dat is de zoveelste tegenvaller voor het project. Vanaf het begin was al bekend dat de trillingen die een rijdende…
UAF: student mentors wanted The Dutch Foundation for Refugee Students UAF is looking for student mentors, also in Delft. They help first-year refugee students find their way around campus, practice Dutch, prepare study assignments and build up a social network. At the moment, more than five hundred duos are participating in the project. Last…
Scientists will protest cycling Traditionally, the opening of the academic year is the moment when trade unions and (student) organizations take action. But because of the corona crisis, this year will be different. That is why on 31 August, the General Education Association (AOb), the trade union FNV and WOinActie are organising the Tour…
Student housing ranking: Delft in fifth place Of the thirteen major student cities in the Netherlands, Maastricht has the best policy on student housing, says the National Student Trade Union (LSVb). According to the LSVb, Maastricht provides students with good (English-language) information about, among other things, housing searches and tenant rights. Moreover, the city…
CDA members who voted for a new party leader will have to vote again after TPM PhD student Jordy San José Sanchez exposed a leak in the political party’s voting webpage.