The elections for the Works Council are going ahead. In contrast to three years ago, there are more candidates than seats. But the Personnel Committees are not doing as well.
Developing an advanced prototype in a bachelor’s programme is one of the things that sets TU Delft apart, says computer science student Mattia Strocchi.
With Coming Out Day approaching, two TU Delft students and one teacher talk about their coming out and how important it is to be visible and have open discussion with others.
With Coming Out Day approaching, two TU Delft students and one teacher talk about their coming out and how important it is to be visible and have open discussion with others.
With Coming Out Day approaching, two TU Delft students and one teacher talk about their coming out and how important it is to be visible and have open discussion with others.
The first Social Safety Day at TU Delft was held on 8 October. What is the status of social safety at the university? And what can you do about undesirable behaviour?
Giving access to shared storage locations with potentially sensitive data is not regulated well. Employees who have nothing to do with the data can sometimes gain access.
Volgens minister Van Engelshoven begrijpen studenten en medewerkers best waarom er geen mondkapjesplicht in het hoger onderwijs komt, maar wel in het voortgezet onderwijs.
In her new role as Project Manager for Project MARCH, Martiene Ubbens looks forward to the challenges of the year ahead.