Yesterday evening TU Delft published an update on the consequences of the corona rules on students and staff.
At 21.00 no-one else is allowed into the café and at 22.00 all customers have to go. This also applies to student societies. What else do the new corona measures say?
Despite the student associations’ plea to students to comply with the corona rules, the police had to break up an illegal house party this weekend.
Who wants to stand for election to the Works Council and its Personnel Committees? This question is becoming more urgent now that the nomination deadline is approaching.
With travel plans on hold due to Covid, bachelor’s student Wieke Joustra intends to pursue a master’s degree when she graduates.
The number of young people with mental health problems remained mostly stable in recent years. But the coronavirus crisis has made life harder for students, finds a study.
Veel studenten betalen te veel voor hun kamer, waarschuwt de Landelijke Studentenvakbond. Vooral in Amsterdam, Rotterdam en Utrecht moeten bewoners diep in de buidel tasten.
Making learning more playful can engage and motivate students says Faculty Blended Learning Developer Marvin Soetanto.
Speechlessness and defeat among the Delft students who spent weeks building the longest beer crate bridge in the world. They saw it collapse last night.