About a hundred TU Delft students are infected with the coronavirus. Rector Tim van der Hagen fears a campus lockdown.
Sabine van Holsteijn collects everything to do with student associations. The most striking item in her collection? A string with a fraternity logo.
What do you cook for cyclists in the Tour de France? Student Violinde den Breeijen went along as Jumbo-Visma’s assistant cook. “It was cooking and counting at the same time.”
Een avondklok voor sociëteiten? Studentenorganisaties zien niets in het voorstel van RIVM’er Jaap van Dissel. Ze vrezen dat het aantal corona-uitbraken dan juist toeneemt.
Corona infections among TU Delft students is rising. GGD Haaglanden is seeing infection ‘clusters’ and several Aerospace Engineering bachelor students have tested positive.
The arrival of eight camera towers on campus has not gone unnoticed. Stip and D66 have their doubts and there have been calls online to have the cameras removed.
In the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020 TU Delft drops again. The university falls with 11 places to position 78. This has been announced yesterday.
TU Delft has compiled a campus protocol and taken additional measures to make the campus ‘corona proof’ this academic year. These are the most important points.
Flyers uitdelen kon niet en grote wervende feesten waren verboden. Toch kregen de grote Delftse studentenverenigingen bijna zestig procent meer inschrijvingen dan vorig jaar.