Biking campaign against interest on student debt Dozens of students cycled through the city centre of The Hague on Monday 7 November to protest against rising interest rates on study debts. Near the Parliament, they shouted slogans and handed over a petition that has been signed almost 112 thousand times. …
Since covid scientists more often in the news Since the corona pandemic, the role of scientists has changed. Despite online harassment, they participate more often in public debates to combat misinformation, a recent study shows. Scientists have stepped into the spotlight more since 2020. That is according to a study published by…
CDA wants to curb rise in tuition fees Dutch political party CDA is asking minister Dijkgraaf to curb higher education tuition fees, as inflation is believed to be lower than official figures indicate. CDA has submitted written questions regarding an article written by HOP. It states that tuition fees would actually have…
Planetoid on tour Planetoid prototype at the SHErobots exhibition in Sydney (Photo: private collection Henriette Bier) Insects and other small critters will have new shelters in the city if it is up to Henriette Bier and colleagues. They collaborated on a prototype ‘planetoid’ using robotic 3D printing technology with a wood-based…
‘Rent prices for single-glazed student housing need to be lowered fast’ One in five students living independently have single-glazed windows, leading to higher energy bills. Environmental organisations and the Dutch Student Union (LSVb) are now calling for a rent reduction for these students from 2024 onwards. A new study has found that…
Fontys knew nothing about misconduct Flemish professor No misconduct by the KU Leuven Flemish professor has been reported at Fontys University of Applied Sciences as yet. He was recently sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for the rape of a student in 2016. The man was regularly hired by various Fontys institutes and…
Tuition fees may only need to rise by 67 euros Tuition fees might actually only have to rise by 67 to 85 euros, instead of the announced 105 euros. Inflation is probably lower than the Central Office for Statistics (CBS) thinks. Last August, Minister Dijkgraaf reported that tuition fees would rise by 105 euros…
Dijkgraaf to prospective students: go study what is right for you Study-goers should not be blinded by the ‘height’ of a study programme and, above all, look at what study programme suits them well. So writes minister Dijkgraaf in an open letter in the newspaper AD. Vwo graduates (pre-university education) do not…
Amsterdam helps former students with debts The Education Executive Agency (DUO) will alert the municipality of Amsterdam if former students are in arrears with payments. This way they can be helped earlier, is the hope. 1 in 5 young people in the Netherlands have problematic debts. These include many former students with…
Russian spy arrested at Norwegian university A Russian spy posing as a Brazilian scientist at a Norwegian university was arrested in October. He collected sensitive military information in the Arctic. The man will be deported from the country, reports The Guardian. The justice ministry’s ruling states that, according to the Norwegian security…