NWO grants increased Due to increased salaries and prices, science funding body NWO has increased the Veni and Vidi grants for top researchers. The change takes effect immediately and therefore already applies to application rounds currently running. Science had been asking for higher research grants for some time. These were less…
With 37 seats, the PVV has emerged from yesterday’s election as the largest party in the Dutch House of Representatives. The newly founded NSC party has won twenty seats.
In het allerlaatste verkiezingsdebat op 21 november ging het alleen even over studenten bij het onderwerp woningbouw. Woningsplitsing zou weer moeten worden toegestaan.
Geert Wilders en Pieter Omtzigt willen aan technische universiteiten weer Nederlandstalige bachelors, bleek maandag tijdens het EenVandaag verkiezingsdebat.
Wel of geen Engelstalige bachelors? Hard bezuinigen of extra geld? De verkiezingen voor de Tweede Kamer kunnen een aardverschuiving teweegbrengen in onderwijs en onderzoek.
Foreign graduates driven away from The Netherlands International students leave the Netherlands faster after graduation than other countries, a recent survey shows. This is partly because they are given less time to look for a job here. Of the students who came here from outside Europe in 2010, only 12 per…
Good science cannot exist without international exchange, the Young Academy claims. The society is worried about the “highly polarised” discourse on language of instruction.
‘Make inclusive education the norm’ Many universities of applies sciences and universities in the Netherlands endorse the idea that a disability should not be a barrier to education. However, students still encounter practical problems. Elevators that are not accessible to those with visual impairments, entrances impassable for wheelchair users, and unusable…
Warning about scientist misconduct is not easily allowed Universities are not obligated to warn each other about the misconduct of a researcher who moves to another institution. This would run afoul of privacy laws, explains outgoing Minister Dijkgraaf. Last month, Algemeen Dagblad reported on a professor who was dismissed from Utrecht University…