The intake of international Bachelor’s students has decreased slightly. Universities are calling on politicians not to take radical measures against internationalisation.
IT award goes to Delft Employees of TU Delft, Thomas More University of Applied Sciences and Vista College are receiving the SURF Education Award for their exceptional IT contribution to education at their institution. The winners received the prize for educational innovation on Tuesday, during the SURF Education Days in Den Bosch. …
Scientists in white lab coats joined the climate march, in which around 85 thousand people participated, last Sunday. “I have to do more than just carry out research.”
Studenten betalen de ov-bedrijven nog altijd miljoenen euro’s aan boetes. Ze vergeten vaak het reisproduct van hun ov-chipkaart te halen als ze er geen recht meer op hebben.
Hoe stemden politieke partijen in de Tweede Kamer over onderwerpen als Engelstalige opleidingen, rente op studieschulden en selectie aan de poort? Doe de quiz.
Saxion puts BBB candidate out the door He was already suspended, now he has lost his job. Jasper Rekers, who wanted to enter the House of Representatives for the BBB ((BoerBurgerBeweging, a Dutch political party), is no longer allowed to teach at Saxion University of Applied Sciences because of his anonymous hate tweets.…
Jongeren tot 25 jaar zeggen steeds vaker dat ze slaapproblemen of depressies te hebben. Dat blijkt uit nieuwe cijfers van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS).
Increase in depression and sleeping problems Young people under 25 are reporting having sleeping problems or depression with increasing frequency. This is shown by new figures from the Dutch Central Statistical Office (CBS). Young people still report many complaints about their mental health. Some questions they answered in 2022 were slightly more…
VVD en CDA willen een miljard euro bezuinigen op onderwijs en onderzoek. Volt, D66 en Groenlinks-PvdA willen juist miljarden extra investeren, zegt het Centraal Planbureau.
Senate rejects motion for lower student debt Indebted students protested against their study debt in Amsterdam on 5 February 2022. (Photo: Impix) The Dutch Senate has rejected a PvdD motion calling on the government to reduce the study debts of unlucky students and – as cover – accelerate the reduction of fossil…