
Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau


Denmark can’t do without international students     Denmark has restricted the inflow of international students the past two years, but is now turning back. Highly skilled internationals are proving indispensable in the tight labour market.   In 2021, the Danish cabinet decided to drastically reduce the number of English-language courses in higher education. This…

Dutch only Oud-studenten die een deel van hun studielening hebben terugbetaald kunnen vanaf 1 januari een hogere hypotheek krijgen. Een jaar geleden had minister De Jonge van Volkshuisvesting het al aangekondigd en per 1 januari 2024 is het dan zover: ‘extra aflossingen op de studielening worden beter meegenomen bij het bepalen van…

Netherlands gives little money to STEM sector     Dutch spending on STEM is lagging behind internationally and recruitment into undergraduate programmes is relatively low, writes education minister Dijkgraaf.   VVD and ChristenUnie wanted more clarity on the distribution of research and education resources across the various science fields in the Netherlands, compared to other…

Saxion wants ‘personal conversation’ with lecturer over hate tweets     Saxion University of Applied Sciences is also very shocked by the anonymous hate messages sent by its lecturer Jasper Rekers in Covid19 time. The latter withdrew as a BBB MP candidate on Wednesday.    Press agency ANP revealed (in Dutch) on Tuesday that Rekers intimidated…