
Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau


Honderdduizenden privégegevens van studenten, medewerkers en andere contacten van de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN) zouden op straat liggen, nadat de hogeschool weigerde een hacker losgeld te betalen. De hack is op 1 september ontdekt, meldt de hogeschool. De hacker heeft de gegevens inmiddels online gezet, schrijft RTL Nieuws. Het gaat onder…

Violence during hazing at Amsterdam student association During their hazing, several freshmen of the Amsterdam student association A.S.C.-A.V.S.V. were humiliated, kicked and beaten up last week. At at least eight fraternities ‘unacceptable behaviour’ took place.   That is what the board of the Association of Reunionists of the student association writes to the other former…

GGD allowed to vaccinate at Fontys after all Fontys University of Applied Sciences is reversing its previous decision not to allow mobile vaccination locations on its campuses. The board thinks the decision was ‘taken too hastily’. The decision not to allow this on the campus was taken “on the basis of incomplete information”, says college…

Mobile vaccination location not welcome on campus Venlo A mobile vaccination location of the GGD is not welcome on the Fontys campus in Venlo. The vaccination campaign “has nothing to do with school”, says director of the Fontys International Business School Bram ten Kate, according to the college’s media outlet Bron. A pop-up location makes…

Universities will not close in fourth wave   Higher education will not close its doors, not even in a fourth wave of Covid. That was what outgoing Minister Van Engelshoven said on Monday at the opening of Zuyd University’s academic year. In extreme cases, the government may make admission tickets compulsory. Then…