Cutbacks worth millions off the table A proposed cutback of EUR 149 million on secondary and tertiary education was scrapped. On Thursday, a majority in the House of Representatives supported D66’s amendment entailing corona support to students not going at the cost of secondary and tertiary education. Only VVD, CDA and PVV voted against. …
Is het einde van het leenstelsel in zicht? Organisaties verenigd in het SER Jongerenplatform zijn het eens geworden over een nieuwe basisbeurs. Nu de politiek nog.
Voluntary self-testing is not helping to enable more physical education. Over 400 million euros have been wasted on it. Delft research on crowd control is successful, though.
Demissionair minister Hoekstra van Financiën wil de bezuiniging van 149 miljoen euro op mbo en hoger onderwijs schrappen. Dat zei hij deze week in de Tweede Kamer.
The Netherlands does too little research into artificial intelligence (AI), warns the Rathenau Institute. More research is also needed in the rest of Europe.
Education protest against budget cuts Universities and trade unions protested last Monday in The Hague against a cut of 149 million euros in secondary and higher education. This 149 million euros will be spread out over several years and will be paid for half by the universities. The money is needed for…
Hackers receive no payment from Leiden University A server of the Leiden Observatory has been hacked. Probably by Russian hackers, reports Algemeen Dagblad. They are said to have ‘passed on or sold’ home addresses and research data to the Iranian Arvin Club. The latter has since published some of…
Universiteiten en vakbonden protesteerden maandag in Den Haag tegen een bezuiniging van 149 miljoen euro op mbo en hoger onderwijs. Sommige studenten eisten collegegeld terug.
Investigations into bullying, abuse of power, intimidation and sexual harassment at Dutch universities should not be outsourced to external companies.